Thursday, July 01, 2010

Samurai House (Kanazawa)

In the Morning of my third day in Japan, I was brought to the Samurai Houses just a 10 minutes drive away from Hotel Acty in Kanazawa. These Samurai Houses were passed down generations and have been set under the Japan National Treasure Preservation scheme. These Samurai Houses are still inhabitated by the descendants of their samurai ancestors. In short, the inhabitants of the Samurai Houses have to retain the outside appearance of the house but are allowed to modified the interior of their houses. Therefore, while the surrounding wall of the Samurai Houses may be built of a mixture of mud and straws, the interior of these Samura Houses can still be decorated with modern indispensible technologies such as television, radio, computer etc. I heard that the mud-and-straw walls have to be maintained once every few months. Indeed, it may be quite an inconvenience but I guessed being able to inherit these houses that has been passed down through generations is itself an honour.

A random cooking house out of nowhere...

Some of the inhabitants have modified the ground storey into stores

Nice design, wish I had such houses....

Did I mention that Japanese public drain are so clean to the extent that fishes such as koi or carps thrive in the the cool, clear and transparent water in the drain, And the Japanese dun fish the koi up because they believe in environment and wildlife conservation.

Like this clour and design

The narrow street/alley, clean and quiet

Japanese practices the distribution of different types of rubbish into different categories, even for inhabitants of Samurai Houses.

Water point? Nice art anyway


Jewelleries and accessories shop at the ground storey of a Samurai House


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